Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's everyone reading??

Good job Nick for posting the last book review, you've probably read the most books this year out of all of us. We've really neglected this blog, so I wanted to find out what people are reading.

John is still reading "Angels and Demons." He has about 80 pages left, but we went and saw the movie anyway. Pretty good! I have picked up "Breaking Dawn" again, remember I never finished it. I am going to read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" next for the RS book club. "My Sister's Keeper" is next and then I was thinking about trying one of the historical fiction books that Nick likes so much. I was also thinking about reading the "Kite Runner". We were supposed to read it for book club last month, but I never did.

So, whatcha reading, or planning on reading??


Nick said...

I'm reading "The 5000 year Leap" by Skousen next. They're reading it for book club up here so I told them to get me one as well since they got them for so cheap!

malrfrederick said...

I just finished Edgar Sawtelle, and I really liked it. It took time to get through it, but I really enjoy it!

Angie said...

I looked up The 5000 Year Leap, I must admit it sounds pretty boring to me!! I can't believe I'm the same person who used to like history in high school and college . . . what happened to me! Are they reading it for a church book club?

On the other hand Edgar Sawtelle sounds pretty interesting. I may have to add it to my list . . . I have so many books I want to read!

Oh, and I have to mention that I finally finished Breaking Dawn and I loved it!! I wish I had someone to talk to about it . . .

malrfrederick said...

Breaking Dawn...Well I liked it after I got through the beginning. I liked how it ended though but the beginning to me was rough.

Nick said...

you're boring!!!

Nick said...

just kidding!!

malrfrederick said...

I am about half way through The Arthurian Omen, and it's pretty good! It's a a novel of suspense, and it has taken my emotions on a roller coster, but it's an easy read.
And I just got a new book that just came out May 26. It's called The Sorceress (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel) by Michael Scott. It's the third book in a series. The first two were Great!!! You guys should look into reading them. The author has planned to make 6 or seven in his series. We read the first one The Alchemyst (The secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)in our book club hear, and pretty much everyone really enjoyed it. The second book is called The Magician (The secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel). Enjoy!

Jennifer Ricker said...

is your bookclub limited to your ward or just to people that go to rs in general??

malrfrederick said...

Our bookclub is one of our RS Enrichment Activities we do, but we have a couple of none members that attend sometimes.

malrfrederick said...

I read The Book Theif, and it was pretty good, I would give it 3 maybe 4 high fives. It was long, but I'm glad I finished. I do have to say I was balling my eyes out when I got to the end!